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AeroLEDs, LLC.

8475 N. Elisa Street
Boise, ID 83709
United States

AeroLEDs™, an industry leader in aviation LED lighting technology, designs and manufactures PREMIUM lighting products that are 10x more efficient, rated for 30,000+ hr MTBF, draw far less current than legacy lighting and require no external hi-voltage power supply. With the focus on key metrics like performance, efficiency, and reliability, AeroLEDs revolutionary LED landing, taxi and navigational lighting products are designed for some of the most extreme operating conditions on the planet and far-exceed the performance of their competitors and legacy lighting systems. AeroLEDs serves every spectrum of the worldwide aviation market for safer and more reliable flying.

AeroLEDs Pulsar Series

Tailored Lighting Products

AeroLEDs SunSpot Series

AeroLEDs SunSpot Series Voted #1