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Aiir Innovations

Oudezijds Achterburgwal 237
1012DL Amsterdam

Aiir Innovations was founded in 2016 by an assistant professor in Computer Vision and five graduates in Artificial Intelligence. Based in Amsterdam, we build cutting-edge solutions that are both easy to use and a step change from traditional inspections.

Our immediate goal is full automation of borescope inspection analysis. We want to free engineers from the time-consuming, repetitive and tiring job of reviewing footage, while at the same time accelerating the process and improving its accuracy.

After perfecting our borescope technology, we aim to increase the efficiency and quality of all visual inspections inside and outside the aircraft. Even experts can struggle to find every defect, every time, but our software has the potential to do just that as we broaden its application.

Aiir Innovations Borescope Inspections

Simplifying Borescope Inspections

Aiir Innovations AI Engine Inspections

Engine Inspections Made Easier