Aviation Week Marketplace is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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Air Attack Inc.

3511 Silverside Road, Suite 105
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States

As a commercial registered agent with privileged access to the Delaware Corporation Information System (DCIS), we can offer faster access to information, and filings by our office are automatically given priority by the Delaware Division of Corporations at no additional cost. The normal turnaround time for filings made by our office is 1-3 business days, whereas filings made by the general public could take several weeks unless an expedited fee is paid. Most of our competitors charge extra for what we have established as a standard level of service.

We efficiently forward legal service of process and official correspondence from State of Delaware and Federal Government agencies as part of our standard registered agent service. Most agents do not provide this standard of mail forwarding or charge significant additional fees to do so.

We're always working to better serve you, and provide supplementary services including:

  • EIN Procurement
  • FAA registration and renewal
  • UCC search and copy service
  • Lien searches, and more.