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Aircraft Academy

Aéroport Marcel Dassault
36130 DEOLS

Aircraft Academy provides the perfect support mechanism for your professional career as a Licensed Aircraft Engineer via your EASA Part-66 License activation. Expert guidance and training is provided for students of all ages seeking to gain qualifications for the first time, or those wishing to upgrade their skills.

The programme starts with the EASA Part 147 training course, then a first type endorsement (through our SOJT programme), followed by specialist help to prepare your personal logbook and licence application.

Aircraft Academy only recruits the best.  We ensure that our training staff have in-depth practical knowledge to share at all times, whether it be online, in the classroom, or on-the-job. Our relationship with Vallair means that we can integrate practical training at their widebody and narrowbody maintenance facilities in Châteauxroux and Montpellier in France, at no extra cost.

Aircraft Academy EASA Part-147 Maintenance Training Programmes

EASA Part-147 Maintenance Training Programmes