AVIATEST, the research and testing centre included in the team of the department of LNK Aerospace of the LNK Group holding company specialises in field rig testing of aerotechnics (frames of aeroplanes, helicopters and their aggregates). The centre also tests airport equipment (aircraft hydraulic jacks, torque wrenches etc.) and various building constructions.

The Enterprise has been certified by both European union standards (EASA), and Russian Federation standards (AR IAC).

Tests on aircraft, helicopters and their components began in Riga, in 1972. Today AVIATEST is the only research and testing centre in the Baltic states that has sound experience in the field of field rig testing of aerotechnics.
AVIATEST performs testing of products of manufacturing leaders such as AgustaWestland and Eurocopter and of the NICETRIP international programme aggregates.

AVIATEST also performs testing for the largest Russian enterprises – JSC United Aircraft Corporation and JSC Russian Helicopters in cooperation with TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky).

There are over 60 highly qualified specialists working in the...
