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Empire Test Pilots' School

Building A33, Dorset Green Technology Park,
United Kingdom

We are a company of over 6,000 employees worldwide committed to listening, understanding and responding to our customers'​ needs. This enables us to use our depth of experience and our unique science and engineering expertise to equip them with powerful solutions to their most pressing challenges. We offer our customers world-class expertise in advice, services (particularly test and evaluation) and innovative technology-based products. We deploy our scientific and technological knowledge, proven research capabilities and unique, purpose-built facilities to provide both services and products that meet the needs of a wide range of global customers. We operate primarily in the defence, security and aerospace markets and our customers are predominantly government organisations, including defence departments, as well as international customers in other targeted sectors.

Our people are pragmatic and hugely experienced, looking always for enterprising, agile ways to create real benefit and added value. They are also natural collaborators, adept at making vital connections through forging industry partnerships and harnessing the best talents within the supply chain.

We manage and operate extensive testing and evaluation capabilities for air, land, sea and target systems. We collaborate closely and responsively to give the UK Ministry of Defence, international and industry customers a competitive edge through the safe and secure conduct of operational and tactical training exercises that combine both real world and simulated events.