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Kennon Aircraft Covers

2071 N. Main St.
Sheridan, WY 82801
United States

Kennon Products, Inc. is a multi-faceted company with a reputation built on quality and service.

Kennon was started in 1984 in a small rented garage in Temple City, Calif., by Paul Kennon Chaney and Ron Kensey. Its flagship product, the Kennon Sun Shield, quickly became a best-seller and continues to be a favorite for pilots.

Paul eventually left the company and, in 1989, Ron and his family relocated to Sheridan, Wyoming. Since then, Kennon has taken the lead in helping aircraft owners to protect their investment. In doing so, the company is responsible for introducing many innovative products to the aviation world.

Kennon’s innovation does not reside exclusively in the world of private aviation, however. The company has manufactured protective covers for military and commercial aircraft, oil and gas wells, the LA Dodgers stadium and more. A strength of Kennon’s is the ability to form and manage multi-disciplinary research teams, and deliver useful products at the end. The company employs a partnering model, bringing talented people and their ideas together to create new products and opportunities.