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Kraken IM

Boho 5
United Kingdom

The cost of poor information in the heavy industrial, construction and manufacturing sectors is staggering. Every year globally we waste trillions due to poor information from its point of origin through into use. MITSloan place the cost of bad data at an astonishing 15% to 25% for most organisations.

Kraken is an information management company. We make software that makes your whole supply chain digital, reduces risk, and gives you information that you can trust. We work with companies to enable their digital transformation in engineering centric sectors and we advocate, work with, and even help create standards such as ISO, CFIHOS and BIM.

Most of all, we believe that better information management comes from better collaboration and trust, which is why our software is built for humans.

Kraken IM HALCYON Platform

HALCYON--A Digital Birth Certificate For Parts And Equipment