Métal Control is an SARL created in 1988 by its current managing director M.LECUONA.
Industrial laboratory service provider, we assess, control, verify the conformity of parts, materials or assemblies in relation to current standards, specifications, codes or customer charges. Our interventions in sectors of activity such as: aeronautics, automotive, boiler making, chemistry and petrochemistry, metallurgy, etc ... are recognized and validated by more than 30 years of experience of its management team.

Métal Control is a service provider to industry, COFRAC accredited for certain services (Scope available on www.cofrac.fr) and SNECMA approved.

In non-destructive testing, on site or in the laboratory
In chemical analyzes, mechanical or corrosion tests, and metallographic examinations of metallic, plastic or composite materials
Training adapted to demand

Our interventions cover both simple and punctual works, as well as case studies of rupture, damage or complex expertise.
