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Taco Scheltemastraat 5
2597 CP The Hague

Mainblades is a tech company founded by young inventive engineers in the Netherlands. Our mission focuses on developing automated inspections of aircraft with the help of drones. Our vision is to see unmanned and manned aircraft operating safely side by side in open aircraft environments.

Our goal is to reinvent the aviation MRO industry by adding automation to the process and maximizing aircraft uptime. We are committed to becoming the preferred choice for delivering operational efficiency and accuracy in aircraft inspections.

We believe that using machine learning to identify potential issues and create automated reports will help you to address these in a much faster, easier, and safer manner. By alleviating manual inspections methods and speeding up the process, you gain the advantage of making informed and actionable decisions.

Mainblades Drone-as-a-Tool Solution

The Drone-as-a-Tool Solution