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MTU Maintenance Zhuhai Co. Ltd.

1 Tianke Rd., Free Trade Zone
Guangdong Sheng 519030

Located in the Zhuhai Free Trade Zone, this shop is a 50/50 joint venture of MTU Aero Engines and China Southern Air Holding Company. It comes equipped with a hightech machine pool and a highly modern test cell accommodating engines up to 150,000 pounds of thrust. The shop specializes in the maintenance, repair and overhaul of IAE V2500-A5 and CFMI CFM56-3, -5B and -7 engines. MTU Maintenance Zhuhai is the market leader in the Chinese market and aims to become the biggest provider of engine maintenance services for the whole of Asia. In 2012, the shop in-creased its capacities by 50 percent, from 200 to 300 shop visits.

MTU Maintenance Zhuhai New Facilities

Constructing New Facilities