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Panterra Heli Support Ltd.

4750 Christie Dr.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B4

In October, 1996 Panterra Heli Support Ltd. began operations in a small home office selling parts, equipment and completing outside maintenance for the AS350 operators who were discovering that options were very limited for the support of their growing Astar fleets.

Panterra is a Transport Canada (TC) Approved Maintenance Organization (58-96) certified on the AS350, AS355, EC120, BH206, MD500 and, very soon, SA365 series helicopters including structures and avionics. Over the past 10 years,  Panterra has evolved into an industry leader, providing an exceptionally high quality, high capability refurbishment and custom completion center covering all aspects of support.

We have numerous repeat clients from across North America and having completed more than 100 helicopters have established an excellent relationship with both TC and the FAA.