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Quantem FBO Group LLC

3950 Merlin Dr.
Kissimmee, FL 34741
United States

Quantem FBO Group, LLC. is an exceedingly experienced team of FBO professionals with a tradition of delivering a high quality commitment to excellence. Our philosophy entails a dedication to the highest customer service standards and optimizing financial returns by employing direct expert knowledge. Quantem FBO Group, LLC. is based in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Quantem FBO Group, LLC was formed in 2013 by the principals of Quantem FBO Services, LLC, formerly the owners of Byerly Aviation (PIA), Metro Flight Services (DTW) and Galvin Flying Services (BFI) and Ken Allison, formerly the CEO and owner of the Odyssey chain of 7 FBO’s (MDW, CMH, LUK, AVL, CHS, NEW, and LFT).

The Company has offices in Manchester, New Hampshire and Bonita Springs, Florida.