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Quest Aircraft Company, LLC

1200 Turbine Dr.
Sandpoint, ID 83864
United States

Quest Aircraft Company was founded in the Pacific Northwest with a mission — to design and produce the next generation of short takeoff and landing aircraft capable of bringing services and heavy supplies to the most remote regions on the planet. Quest introduced its first aircraft, the Kodiak 100, in 2007.

And although the company’s founding may be rooted in humanitarian aid, it did not take long for the rest of the world to realize that this ultra-modern, ultra-safe and extremely durable plane had a place in business and general aviation.

The Kodiak fills a niche somewhere between helicopter and business jet — able to haul cargo or passengers, takeoff under 1000 ft. and fly 1100 miles with only one pilot and with amazing economy.

It is the only sport utility vehicle with wings.