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Siberian Aeronautical Research Institute

21, Polzunov St.

SibNIA was established in July 09, 1946 by the Resolution of the Government of USSR (SM SSSR) No 1593-684 on the ground of the Novosibirsk branch No 2 of the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) formed by the Decision of the State Defense Committee of USSR (GKO SSSR) No 513 on August 19, 1941.

In 1941–1942 Sergey Alekseyevich Chaplygin, one of the originators of the aerodynamics, Member of the Academy of Science, the Hero of Socialist Labour, and the Honored Worker of Science headed works on development and construction of laboratories facilities, as well as operation of the scientists and specialists evacuated from TsAGI.

Within the years passed from its foundation, the Institute has changed into the largest aeronautical centre with the unique experimental capabilities, research laboratories, and highly qualified personnel working in various aeronautics activities: aerodynamics and aircrafts flight dynamics, static, fatigue, thermal, and dynamic strength of aircraft components, airborne equipment, characteristic life research for various types of aircrafts, flight tests, scientific and technical support in aeronautics production, exploitation, and repair.

The Test Centre was formed on the basis of SibNIA and obtained certification of the Aeronautic Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee and the State Standard of Russia. The Institute Quality Management System received the Certificate of Conformance to the International Aerospace Standards ISO 9001 and АС 9100.

Institute’s experimental capabilities make it possible to perform full-scale static, fatigue, and dynamic tests of aircrafts with the weight below 500 tons, aggregates and airframe components; aerodynamic researches on the aircraft layout design, finishing of the advanced aircrafts under design, as well as mass-produced aerotechnics, and flight tests of the mass-produced and tested aircrafts and aerotechnics.

SibNIA is the only multi-profile aeronautic centre behind the Ural that is capable to solve practical tasks related to the aircraft design and testing, as well as aircrafts maintenance for their operation and the overhaul-period renewal.