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T & T Aviation

9A Nam Quoc Cang St., Dist. 1
Ho Chi Minh City

T&T Co., Ltd. was established in 1989 as a travel services and tourist transportation company. In 1994, T&T Company had a major expansion with the creation of T&T Aviation entity, specializing in ground handling and aviation service, fully authorized by Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam. In 1996, T&T Aviation was getting more involved and active in aviation industry by becoming Independent Service Affiliate of the US-based Universal Weather & Aviation Inc.
After more than 25 years of operations, reputation has been always the first priority of T&T and its T&T Aviation subsidiary, and the company pursues excellence through fast performance and sufficient work and maintaining quality and safety standards. Our professional staffs are committed to providing the highest quality service with continuous attention to meet our customers’ expectation and satisfaction.