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TELERAD is an SME with 86 employees founded in 1950. Its mission is design, manufacture, commissioning and marketing of radio systems for Air Traffic Control (ATC) and the navy, both in civil and military fields. TELERAD address the global market with 70% of sales generated abroad.
The Quality Management System of the company is certified against ISO 9001:2008.

Products and Services – From the radio expertise to the end-to-end solution

TELERAD offers a complete range of VHF, UHF radios and ancillary equipment for providing turnkey radio architectures. The offer extends to Navigation Aid Systems as Non Directional Beacons or Directional Finders, VHF Data Broadcast for Differential landing systems (GBAS). In addition, TELERAD offers its customers R&D services and radio systems expertise for their entire project.

In the world, TELERAD radio systems are operated in more than 60 countries.

With an experience of over 50 years in the design and manufacture of radio systems, TELERAD is recognized as a provider of innovative, high quality products and highly reliable.