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ORAPI Noviruclean 3471

NOVIRUCLEAN - 3471 - Concentrated Disinfectant Cleaner and Deodorant

MRO Links Snapshot: 

NOVIRUCLEAN is a broad spectrum, bactericidal, yeasticidal and viricidal disinfectant cleaner, designed to control the hazardous cross-contamination on all internal surfaces of aircrafts, trains, metros, buses, etc.

Cleans, deodorizes, and disinfects all inanimate hard and non-porous surfaces such as holding bars, seats, armrests, tray tables, seatback pockets, overhead compartments, crew rest area, galleys, lavatory, walls, doors, panels, etc. Halal approval: C9664.

Conforms to :

  • AMS 1453
  • Boeing D6-7127 Rev P
  • Bombardier : interior grooming and disinfection.
  • Royal Canadian Air Force
  • EU Biocides Regulation n°528/2012

Microbiologic activities :

  • Bactericidal (5 min): EN 1276, EN 13697
  • Yeasticidal (15 min): EN 1650 , EN 13697
  • Viricidal (10 min) :  EN 14476  on Adenovirus, Norovirus, Rotavirus, HBV, HCV, Herpes Type 1 & 2, Ebolavirus, Coronavirus (MERS, SARS-Cov1, SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19)), H1N1, H2N2, H3N2, H3N2,  H5N1, H9N2, HIV.

Ed. note—Learn more at AviationWeek.com/MRO.

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