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Mid-Mountain Materials Thermal BarriersMid-Mountain Materials Thermal BarriersMid-Mountain Materials Thermal Barriers
Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc.

Thermal Barriers for Enhanced Aircraft Safety

Protective heat shields are used as barriers to sources of extreme heat; usually some sort of mechanical sub-system that inherently generates high temperatures. Alternatively, certain high-performance applications require protective thermal management solutions that manage heat generated by high-speeds.

Aviation increasingly requires both, with conventional turbine-driven aircraft using lightweight firewalls and insulation to prevent the egress of heat from the carburetor, while high-speed planes demand nose-mounted shields to combat the effect of aerodynamic heating.

Mid-Mountain Materials, Inc. is one of the leading suppliers of fabricated heat-resistant materials for aerospace applications. We aim to deliver high-performance solutions that offer tandem benefits in terms of weight-savings, efficiency, and insulating capabilities.

Explore our range of heat shield materials for yourself to learn more!

View this product at mid-mountain.com