Airport Interviewing & Research, Inc.

AIR believes that enlightened proactive Airport Management should focus on the needs and desires of all the airport’s users – the traveler, meeters/greeters/well-wishers, tenants and employees. Our philosophy is built on the premise that an airport’s responsibilities, image, security mandates, services and commercial/concession revenues must take into account user satisfaction. Conversely, we believe that the airport that ignores its users wants and expectations will never fully achieve its goals nor realize its commercial revenue capability and community responsibility. Without considering the ever-changing travel experience, wrong decisions will be made.

We recognize and understand the relationship and impact of airports on the public and that airports cannot, and do not, operate in isolation. Therefore, in addition to airport users, AIR works with airport management, the airport board, security teams, airlines, mass transit, government, community leaders, local businesses and the travel and tourism sector.
