With offices spanning 6 countries and operating at over 1,000 airports in Asia, business aviation has been the focus of The ASA Group for quite some time. Becoming known for excellence in ground handling supervision, permits, slots, private jet services, corporate security, VIP security, executive protection officers, bodyguards for hire and luxury concierge. We provide a full suite of global possibilities to businesses and VIP leisure travelers, with a clear focus on the Asia Pacific Region.

Since 1999 we can say with certainty that our clientele have benefited greatly from the combination of our expertise.

Being the first and only group to offer such services globally, our air charters allow executives to divide more efficiently their limited time with their demanding schedules, whilst our corporate security expertise ensures smooth coordination on the ground. Thanks to our in-depth proficiency in ground handling and permits, the most challenging aviation regulations turn into maneuverable operations complementing the most demanding requirements from bespoke luxury services.
