CharterX Avinode

When we first launched Avinode Marketplace in 2002, business aviation was ripe for change. Even after the advent of the internet, finding and booking private charter was only possible by telephone and fax.

Avinode’s three Swedish co-founders, who met as Masters students at Chalmers Institute of Technology, recognized a clear need to usher the charter industry into the 21st century. Their idea was simple: make air charter available by bringing buyers and sellers together in a state-of-the-art online Marketplace.

In 2001, the three graduates set to work creating a system that would meet their bold vision. Flash-forward to today, Avinode Marketplace is now the world’s leading tool for buying and selling air charter, utilized by over 80% of the global charter market.

Despite this remarkable growth, Avinode’s entrepreneurial essence and mission remain the same. Across three offices and multiple oceans, Avinode continues to push forward with innovative technologies and smart solutions that expand the future of air charter.