Colibri Cargo Containers
  • Colibri Cargo Containers

Cargo Containers For Widebody Passenger Cabins

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Colibri Aero, in partnership with J&C Aero, has developed cargo containers for widebody passenger cabins. This allows Airbus and Boeing cabins to convert between passenger and cargo operations within 24 hours.

These cargo containers are available in five different sizes and are designed for widebody passenger cabins of Airbus A330 and A340 and Boeing 767 and 777 aircraft. Equipped with smoke detectors for added safety, these cargo containers allow for transportation of any type of cargo via temporary replacement of cabin seating. Each container can transport up to 850 kg (1870 lb) of commercial cargo, and a typical Airbus A330 cabin can be converted to fit 36 containers – almost 27 tons (58,640 lb) of cargo per single flight.

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