Corrdesa develops and sells non-drip, mobile anodizing and plating repair systems.

Electroplates and anodize coatings protect many components on aircraft and when the coating is damaged this can ground the aircraft. Often, disassembly is often required and if the operator does not have access to local treatment facilities there may be further delays while the component is shipped offsite for repair.

Corrdesa has developed a better alternative – a plating and anodizing shop on wheels. Our patented family of robust, mobile electrochemical treatment systems are used worldwide as Ground Support Equipment (GSE) to perform on-aircraft repairs with minimum set up time and no drips and spills to clean up. They are so convenient they are also used in production, where damaged parts can be touched up in place immediately to avoid interrupting production. Even coating damage from grinding and welding can be quickly remediated. Treatments use less hazardous, qualified materials, replacing Cd/Cr6+ with ZnNi/Cr3+, and CAA with SAA. There is even an electrolytic corrosion and cadmium removal process, which avoids releasing toxic dusts.