Military Parts Exchange LLC

Few companies start out near the top, but that is exactly what Military Parts Exchange LLC ( MPX ) did in 2008. An acquisition of an extremely large military parts inventory almost immediately placed MPX as a global supplier of legacy military aircraft parts and equipment worldwide.

We believe in supporting our military aircraft customers "from nose to tail." As a part of that commitment, MPX partnered with our sister company, Dynatech International, in 2009 . Dynatech is a leader in the supply of airframe & engine components worldwide. The addition of Dynatech to our team provides our customers with over four decades of experience and knowledge - critical resources we know you demand.

Our customers receive great value, Including prompt service, product assistance, documentation and fast delivery.

The MPX inventory consists of over 250,000 line items, with more than 25 million parts in stock. This includes:

Structural Panels


Common Hardware


Flight Instruments & Landing Gear
