MOUROT Industries is a SME with 44 persons. The headquarter and the main plant are based in Guemene-Penfao, Loire Atlantique (44 FRANCE).

MOUROT Industries is specialized with enhancement solutions of mechanical parts to improve characteristics (hardness, wear, corrosion resistance). We study with you the solutions that will answer your problems, we propose solutions to fit your needs, or we manufacture to your drawing and specifications.

  • cobalt bases (stellite)
  • nickel bases (Colmonoy)
  • iron bases (NOREM)
  • thermal projection (HVOF, plasma)
  • special ceramics deposit (REVETOX)

MOUROT Industries intervene in every demanding fields such as energy, nuclear, chemistry, oil and gas, defense, aeronautic, spatial, trains, food and beverages…

Continuously improving, MOUROT Industries develops its know-how and facilities to its leading customers in every business.