Nebrig & Associates, Inc.
If you are considering acquiring or selling an aircraft, the potential pitfalls are numerous. Nebrig & Associates can save you time, money, and aggravation with a seamless transaction tailored to your specific needs.
Delivering a smooth sale
We provide each customer with a customized sales solution in which we will:
Define your specific requirements
Perform a detailed competitive analysis for your aircraft
Establish pricing and conditions of sale
Create a marketing and technical sales package for your aircraft
Promote the aircraft in print, Internet, and direct marketing channels
Coordinate viewings and demonstrations
Negotiate offers and contracts
Manage technical inspections and the correction of discrepancies
Facilitate acceptance, title, escrow, closing, delivery, and bill of sale documentation
Coordinating a painless purchase:
When you purchase an aircraft through us, you can expect us to:
Define your unique requirements
Recommend aircraft solutions for your specific needs
Provide research and analysis on the available aircraft
Evaluate those aircraft and recommend specific purchase candidates
Coordinate all viewings and demonstrations