The story of Oregon Aero, Inc. began in 1989 because of a headache—a headache that Jude Dennis(Vice President of Oregon Aero) experienced whenever she flew with husband, Mike Dennis(founder, president and CEO of Oregon Aero).

Mike set out to tackle Jude's headache problem. After a great deal of research, thinking, and experimentation, he created the SoftTop® Headset Cushion from leather and sheepskin wool. The SoftTop Headset Cushion worked, Jude's headaches disappeared, and Mike and Jude began selling the Cushions at local fly-ins.

Initial customer feedback was positive so Mike continued to improve the SoftTop Headset Cushion. He started adding new designs to be compatible with various headset models. Headset cushions began piling up by the dozens on Mike's kitchen table. Bolts of leather and other materials soon filled the garage. Back in those days, all sewing was done by hand.

From this small beginning grew the company which is today the leader in engineering and manufacturing advanced seating systems for aviation and other industries. Oregon Aero also offers a wide range of additional products and holds dozens of patents.

To this day Oregon Aero's focus remains...
