Price Induction SA

Price induction is one of the few companies to have developed a modern aeronautical gas turbine in the past decade.

Its state-of-the-art product is the DGEN 380 engine, the world’s smallest turbofan intended for 4-5 seat Personal Light Jets. This high bypass ratio geared turbofan was designed from a blank sheet to allow for the advent of a new class of aircrafts on the general aviation market. After fifteen years of development, the engine is recognized as a technical success and has now to enter the certification and industrialization phase.

In addition to its engine program, Price Induction also markets engine test benches dedicated to education and research, and leverages its know-how in conducting R&T projects for major aviation groups. Some of our customers include aviation groups (SAFRAN), research institutes (NASA, JAXA), renowned universities (ISAE-Supaero, ENAC, Georgia Tech) and aviation training centers (SENAI São Carlos, Balamand Institute of Aeronautics).