PTR - Precision Technologies, Inc.

PTR is an Electron Beam Welding systems manufacturer, and contract welding service provider. In addition to making EB welding equipment, PTR assists customers with weld process development and provides maintenance and spares support for electron beam welding systems including those manufactured by our predecessors: Hamilton Standard & Leybold. 

For those outsourcing their electron beam welding; PTR’s NADCAP Approved and FAA Certified job shop offers contract electron beam welding welding services. PTR has a variety of modern, 5-axis CNC EB weld systems with either 60kV or 150kV beam generation systems and various sized work chambers. Our shop can handle welding parts as small as a few grams up to ones weighing several tons.

FAA Certificated - Repair Station PX8R599Y
Our quality system is based on the AS9100 with formal NADCAP AC7004 accreditation.  Through decades of experience, we have prided ourselves on understanding our customer’s diverse requirements, providing services that continually exceed their needs, and committing to the entire products lifecycle (development, processing, and post-delivery assurances).  PTR’s position as the leading...