Test Systems, Inc.

Welcome to our web site on support for MIL-STD-1553. We have been providing support for MIL-STD-1553 since 1979. TEST SYSTEMS, Inc, works only with 1553 and provides test equipment, training seminars, and testing services.

Our Only Business is MIL-STD-1553

We have created the industry's most practical, efficient and cost-effective 1553 test equipment in the market.

Our training seminars have helped both experienced 1553 engineers and novices to gain a better understanding of the standard. This allows them to better specify, design, and test 1553 compatible equipment and integrate systems using the 1553 standard.

Our independent testing service provides Air Force approved testing of remote terminals to the RT Validation Test Plan. We document the results in a comprehensive test report and help analyze and solve problems, if necessary.
