Tiger Helicopters Ltd.

Alan Ramsden started flying at Shobdon Airfield in 1977 – initially on aeroplanes with a view to becoming a fixed wing instructor. However, after a 5 minute pleasure flight in a B206 JetRanger, where he first experienced the thrill and excitement of helicopter flight, Alan was hooked. He went on to sell his house, his car and his share in the family business in order to raise the funds to become a commercial helicopter pilot and instructor! He founded Tiger Helicopters in 1992 and, together with the Tiger Team, has helped develop both the Helicopter school and Shobdon Airfield.

One of the team's proudest achievements came in 2005 when we acquired our first overseas contract. This was to train the next generation of Police Helicopter Pilots for Kuwait. With a 100% success rate, a further contract to train Police Helicopter Pilots for Algeria was awarded to Tiger. This contract of over 10,000 flying hours, was completed in 2012 without a single accident or incident. We are extremely proud of this and it is a huge credit to all of the Tiger Team.