TTTech TTE-Switching Unit
  • TTTech TTE-Switching Unit

TTE-Switching Unit (TSU, Space)

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Space-grade TTEthernet® Switching Unit with four TTE-Switch Space 3U cPCI cards

The TTE-Switching Unit provides core networking functionality for the design of complex distributed control systems and was designed to meet the challenges of harsh space environments like the lunar orbit of NASA's Gateway. It is based upon a robust 3U cPCI chassis hosting four of our TTE-Switch Space 3U cPCI cards. 

Key benefits:
- Fully IASIS compliant
- Collision-free use of best effort, rate-constrained and time-triggered Ethernet
- Supports three fully redundant communication planes
- 48 switched Ethernet ports (incl. up to 24 Gigabit ports) in a compact unit
- Customizable to customer needs due to modular front panel and back-plane design
- Two separate power compartments for increased reliability
- Currently under qualification for the NASA Lunar Gateway

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