The magic that comes from the Jules Verne’s world has aroused many sailors, travelers, writers or scientists vocations...

From the balloon to helicopters, from jet engines to rockets, we found in the Jules Verne’s work all stages of the sky conquest.
His novels glorify scientific and technical advances that today enable us to go to the moon, 20,000 leagues under the sea or around the world in 80 days.

But only one discovery imagined by Jules Verne was not investigated by human genius: the flying car !

Who never dream to get out of its garage and take off with total freedom ?
Who never dream to do an 80 days world trip in a flying car ?

That remains a fantasy for human. A myth, inspired by science fiction.

Following ROBUR the Conqueror and Master of the world, VAYLON has the objective to develop the first world certified flying car !
This adventure gathers all the Jules Verne’s novels aspects: entrepreneurship, scientific investigations, curiosity, adventure and courage.