Zoono Z71 Microbe Shield
  • Zoono Z71 Microbe Shield

Z71 Microbe Shield

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Zoono Microbe Shield halts the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, and fungi for up to 30 days through highly-effective, water-based antimicrobial technology.

Zoono Microbe Shield works by permanently bonding to applied surfaces, creating a bacteriostatic defensive layer that resembles millions of tiny “pins.” Microbes are punctured when they come in contact with a treated surface. By physically killing the bacteria, Microbe Shield prevents them from building a tolerance to the product and passing that on to future generations. This allows Microbe Shield to extend the hygienic state of applied surfaces for up to 30 days.

Traditional antimicrobials only work while wet. Zoono does start working when wet but works best once it has dried, as the continuous bacteriostatic/fungistatic barrier protects surfaces and prevents germs from colonizing much longer than typical disinfectant and hygiene routines.

As a water-based product, Zoono will not harm expensive equipment, surfaces or even fabrics. It can be easily be applied by fogging or a simple trigger sprayer.

View this product at zoonousa.com/product/zoono-z71-surface-protectant

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