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First Aviation Services Inc.

15 Riverside Avenue
Westport, CT 06880
United States

First Aviation Services Inc. (FAvS), headquartered in Westport, Connecticut, is a leading provider of component repair and overhaul, PMA parts manufacturing and rotables management to the aviation industry worldwide. First Aviation’s principal operating subsidiaries are: Aerospace Turbine Rotables, Inc. (AeTR) and Evōlution Aerospace, Inc. in Wichita, KS; Piedmont Propulsion Systems, LLC in Winston-Salem, NC, Aviation Blade Services, Inc. in Kissimmee, FL, Heliblade International in Anderson, CA. Together, the companies repair and overhaul landing gear systems, helicopter Rotor Blades, Flight Controls, Actuation Systems, Lighting, Power Supplies, Oxygen and Fire Suppression systems, Hydrostatic Testing, Crew Masks, all Dowty, Hamilton, Hartzell, and McCauley propellers. More information about FAvS and its subsidiaries may be found on the company’s website www.firstaviation.com. 

First Aviation Services Sikorsky MRO

Independent Sikorsky Expertise

Component MRO Services